Friday, November 8, 2024

Down the Dumb Staircase

NOTE:  This was originally written in September, 2023 but just finished and published November 2024

So without further adieu, I present today's rant - Doughnuts!  Yep, that's right.  After 5 years of a world gone whack I ought to be ranting on everything Trump and the unbelievably rotten Republican party or the hottest summer on record in Phoenix or the degradation of society from social media or inflation's bite or any of these exhausting topics riling our lives.  Maybe another time.  Today it's doughnuts baby, and I'm talking about the latest company out there hawking these things covered in Oreos or bacon or globs of some material I can't even describe.  And there's a line out the door to purchase these fat bombs at the local VooDoo Doughnuts.  So is it this intriguing name that has humanity waiting for their chance to try a fried puff of sugar dough that is somehow different from Dunkin or Bosa or Krispy Kreme?  I have to believe so since a doughnut is, well, just a doughnut.  Or, perhaps VooDoo provides the American consumer with the needed excuse to try a "new" incredibly unhealthy food to soothe the ache of their sugar craving bodies.  Now I'm not opposed to someone having an occasional splurge, and I'm not really interested in writing yet another article on the horrible state of food in this country and the two thirds of overweight adults that inhale it.  No ma'am.  My beef is the state of capitalism and the idiocy of giving people what they think they want!  But wait Frog, isn't that the basic tenant of a capitalistic society?  You build a better mousetrap and society will swoop to your website and clean out your shelves?  Well yes, that used to be the idea.  But today, the dumbing down of the American population has enabled the advertising by corporate America to convince A LOT of people that it's perfectly fine to make irrational, personally harmful decisions about how they conduct their lives and spend their money.... and vote.  Pharma ads empowering your hypochondriac leanings,  investment "gurus" as the only answer to your financially illiterate mind and yes, eat this food cause it's easier and oh so satisfying in the moment.  These are not better mousetraps, they're just lazy, thoughtless outcomes that are not going to catch more mice.  

Pure capitalism does not work as efficiently with an educated, informed society.  Advertising by default is simply appealing to the lowest common denominator of the potential viewers.  How many millions of people would handle their own money more effectively if personal finance was still taught in high school?  How about personal health?  How about teaching children how their minds work through cognitive behavioral introduction, thus giving them the tools they need to understand normal life events are not the end of the world.  Instead, social media feeds show an idealized version of beautiful people's lives that they then monetize, making money off the hordes of young wanna-be's.  This has now turned into a sad increase in the suicide rate of young girls.  You are not good enough because you don't look like me!  And part of that reason is you're not thin, which brings us back to doughnuts.  

The relentless pounding of advertising in all it's forms will continue to take a toll.  My argument is it needs to be countered with education.  Which will win out?  Duh.