Sunday, February 6, 2011

We Gotta Get Out Of This Place

With apologies to Eric Burdon for borrowing his song title, it's never been more applicable than today for any Arizona resident with half a brain.  Let's see, after a brutal, senseless killing spree down Tucson way, the Repubes of the state legislature want to LOOSEN gun control laws.  Because, you know, everyone would jump at the chance to be carrying a loaded weapon to the supermarket on a Saturday morning and someone could have been in the parking lot at exactly the moment the shots started and ended it right on the spot.  Oh, Gabrielle was hit with the first bullet fired.  Well I guess no one can draw that quickly, except maybe Rooster Cogburn or some other fantasy hero that always arrives at the right moment in the movies.  And how many people would then get hit with errant lead fired by an insecure, big-buckled and little-dicked NRA member who has zero training and zero experience handling a firearm in such a situation where, for a few moments, you can't actually believe what your eyes are seeing.  Fucking idiots.

And there's talk of succession!!!  A proposed law would create a panel of state legislature folks (old, white guys) who would meet to determine if a federal law will actually be recognized by the state.  If the Feds try to enforce it, the armed citizens of this state will have something to say about it, by God!  Anarchy rules!!

And there's no money to save a small group of people's lives who need organ transplants.  But there's not one cent being cut from the prison budget.  If a dude on death row needs medical treatment, no problem.

And there's more:  squash the 14th amendment birth rights, make fireworks legal in the state while the City's still prohibit them and, of course, the breathing while brown bill HB1070.    Start packing.

But wait, there is a glimmer of hope!!!  Two separate recall movements to get rid of Russell Pearce are picking up steam.  One is spearheaded by a Repube no less.  That's how embarrassing this racist moron is.  Even the Mormon church has officially come out against his 14th amendment shit and bill 1070.  Good people of Mesa, I implore you to sign this petition and send this creature back under the rock from whence he came.  You elected him so stand up, admit your folly and get 'er done.  Your church is watching....


1 comment:


    There were people around with guns...and they almost shot each other.
