Monday, January 17, 2011

Tuscon - The New Mis-Spelled Word For Senseless Violence

Quite the title!  It was the Tucson Tragedy.  Now the nightly news anchors just say T-U-C-S-O-N and an ugly image is portrayed of gun-slingin' nut-jobs that somewhere along the way quit being human.  There is also the constant showing of throngs of good people doing their best to show Tucson is a great town, and, since I live about 2 hours from the un-safest Safeway in the country, I can say that Tucson is a great town.  Not Phoenix in scope and breadth, but a nice town.  What ain't nice, however, is the number of Tucsonians who are unemployed, under-employed, bankrupt, uneducated, dying from lack of insurance, homeless, or all of the above.  The cameras aren't showing that underbelly of this ravaged place where.......wait a minute, I could be talking about Phoenix, or Las Vegas, or Florida, or 4/5 of California or Michigan or Louisiana or ...... just about anywhere you look USA!

Was the shooter any of these situations?  A couple - couldn't stay in comm college, couldn't get a job, not homeless but still living with Ma and Pa.  Did this drive him insane?  Probably not.  But what about the millions, no literally tens of millions in this country that are in many of these situations.  How come they're not pissed?  How come they're not half deranged and gunning for somebody that took their job, their home, their life savings or their fucking liver transplant.  Are they just saying, "Schucks, that's alright, I'll survive somehow.  Thanks anyway!"  Somehow, I don't think so.

The gun law debate is interesting.  The right thinks we need every kind of gun made in case the "government" tries to take over the country.  The constitution framers said as much in the 2nd amendment.  Of course, they're experience had been pretty much with tyrannical kings and such.  But, how do we, the citizens, defeat the military when that day comes?  With a fucking Glock?  We need bazookas, tanks, cannon, shit - we need a nuke!  So how utterly stupid this gun-rights argument is.  The left would just like to nibble a little at the edge with bringing back the Brady Bill and playing nice.  Maybe limit each family to one Uzi.  But what happens as the economy continues the current trajectory of haves and have-nots?  Only a fool would think this isn't happening, and as we move that direction, only a fool would think the probability of fucked over people losing it will somehow not increase.  The jobs ain't coming back, and apathy will only go so far, even in this country.  Then the right, the traditional holders of the guns and the wealth, will find:  A) Sheez, I got nothing left (holders of the guns) or B) I got everything and it's MINE (holders of the wealth).

The wealthy ranchers will be fine, even in Tucson.