Sunday, April 17, 2011

Frog's Idea For Humanity Is A Bust

First off, two clarifications on last week's rant.  1)  I did not, in any way, mean to imply that people who had never known anything but poverty were somehow in better shape in their lives than those who had tasted the sweeter fruits of life.  For those born into poverty, life is a bitch - period.  For those who have fallen into poverty, life is also a bitch.  I just expect them to be more pissed off and vocal about it.  2)  The movie I referenced did NOT provide the idea I was hoping for.  What an idealistic, boneheaded Frog.  I was expecting the movie director, who fell on his head a few years back and awoke from near-death with a sense of duty to mankind, to initiate a humanitarian rally of his fellow Hollywood rich-wads.  From this, they would realize life is not about the biggest net worth, and all would start giving their money away to the have-nots.  This would set up a chain reaction of altruistic behavior of the haves and spawn other movies and TV reality shows and spur changes in grade school curriculum to teach youth that civility and giving is the true nature of humans and......  Instead, there was just a lot of scientific musings about the connectivity of all people everywhere and...... well, that was about it.
So, now I have let down my vast army of readers and must go wallow in self disgust.  Plus, it's late and things have been quite busy around the lillypad and I must spend one more week of half-ass blogging with the promise to step it a couple of notches next week.  And I will step it up.  There is SO much to dissect these days!

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