Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Most Exceptional USA, Except For.......

The definition of arrogance:  "offensive exhibition of assumed or real superiority".  Now the exhibition of assumed superiority is most definitely offensive.  However, is exhibiting real superiority offensive if done in a way that is not offensive?  A Texan once told me that is possible.  Sure, whatever you say partner.

The word superior means something else is inferior.  Humans are superior to monkeys, but the monkeys don't give a shit if they're inferior - that's why they're inferior.  Or are they?   The people of the USA, including it's members of the government, have always been told they live in the greatest country in the world by fellow members of the country.  Superiority of and by the people!  Sure, people from many other countries all over the world risk their lives every day to get here.  So, hot-damn we must be superior and they're not!  But what if we're the monkey, ignorant of our inferiority not because we are less intelligent, but because we MUST be superior and therefore don't give a shit if any one else thinks we're inferior to them.   Think about it.  Would you rather be ignorantly inferior, or offensively superior?  How about neither.  How about we shut the fuck up about our superiority, or exceptionalism.  How about we chew on these USA facts for a minute:

-third highest income inequality in the world (Hong Kong and Singapore are higher)
-highest prison population per-capita in the world
-highest "food insecurity" of developed countries.  That's right, starving people
-middle of the road life expectancy despite spending the highest amount of money on healthcare
-fourth lowest math scores of developed countries
-eight highest unemployment rate of developed countries (presently)

The list goes on.  We are exceptional for making a relative handful of people extraordinarily rich.  We are exceptional in the number of our citizens that go hungry.  We are truly exceptional in incarcerating people.   And what about our debt!  I believe that is exceptionally high.

All countries have their problems.  But most don't live with the arrogance of believing they're better than everyone else.  This monkey brain attitude actually limits our ability to consider ideas from others that would likely work for us.  In Germany, a law that's been in place for some time requires all new homes to install solar panels sized slightly larger than what the home needs so the excess can be sold back to the utility, which uses the money to pay back the loan for the system.  With a 10 year amortization, the equipment is paid off and then produces income for the homeowner, who also doesn't have a power bill!  It's fucking brilliant.  Oh, but that sounds like socialism - an inferior form of government.

We must lose this arrogance and realize we're no better or worse than others.  Any other approach to our world is just exceptionally inferior.

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