Monday, May 16, 2011

Welcome, Mr Prez, To A Second Term

Geeezzz Barack.  Roasted the Donald with class, nailed Bin Laden and actually showed some spine in your recent speech on immigration.  Well done!  Won over a single-wide load of gun-toting rednecks with the Navy seal raid and watched your approval rating soar to 60%.  Won over this amphibian as well by actually showing leadership, something that's been sorely missing in your never ending quest to seek compromise and not be too, you know, uppity.
Republicans have nothing but a bunch of classless, clueless, has-beens with no idea of how they can win over the tea-baggers while maintaining some sense of intelligence in addressing this country's multitude of problems.  Actually, this can't be done by anyone.  Their ONLY chance is Jon Huntsman, Obama's ex-Chinese Ambassador and the ex-Gov of Utah.  He has looks, smarts and money - lots of money.  He's also a moderate and has a letter floating around where he praises Obama.  Wow, the tea-baggers are in for a collective cardiac arrest if Huntsman runs as he will quickly rise above the other clowns by picking up right-leaning Independents and any other voter with a brain.  But, it sounds like he will likely wait for 2016.
Repubes have also showed how heartless they truly are with their current proposed budget.   A limited voucher for Medicare??   Slashed funding for school meal programs.  Zero funding for NPR??  Is Paul Ryan and the rest of the house leadership really that dumb??  It's not that complicated - cut defense in half, slowly raise the max income subject to FICA (only affects those making over 100K), change the tax laws so everyone pays income tax and not capital gains on their primary earnings (Warren Buffet's secretary pays a higher tax rate than her boss) and change the stupid-ass law that prevents decisions made by medicare paid doctors from being made public.  It's called accountability.   Medicare's MO is to pay first and ask questions later.  God it's so fucking obvious how to fix this shit!!
Back to Obama.  Mr. President, I have one word for you - plastics!  No, actually it's this word - decider.  You, sir, are the decider.  Quit pussy-footin' around and start deciding.  Bush was an idiot, but he pushed hard for what he believed in and basically said screw the rest of you.  It's not too late.  You sat out the healthcare debate ("that's the job of Congress") and ended up with the whole mess being called Obamacare.  If you're gonna own it, you might as well earn it.  You're rolling now, don't get all conciliatory again.  A whole lot of people are not going to agree with everything you say or do (including me), but fuck them and fuck me!  We'll get over it.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed on all counts! Maybe he'll show a little more spine in the second term.
