Sunday, December 5, 2010

5 Minutes and your blogging - bullshit!!!

If I was 20 something, that may be the case.  This shit is no doubt designed by someone who was working a computer at age 2-1/2 and has an accumulated knowledge of digital basics that they ASSUME everyone else has.  It's like learning calculus where the instructor assumes you know algebra.  Sound familiar??

Can't blame the punks that designed it though - they don't realize hordes of people lack this basic shit.  And that, my friends, IS the generational gap for the boomers and they're off-spring.  And there is no way someone who first laid eyes on a Commodore computer in the 1980's can have this fundamental know-how in their grey matter.  IT AIN'T THERE!!  So software designers, who will no doubt be reading this soon, engage a 50-something dude for some input next time you need to algorithm something. 

Man, I feel so much better - and much cheaper than psychological counseling from some "specialist" with their own set of mental short-comings.  But that's for another week..... 


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