Sunday, December 19, 2010

Watz Up With Tat??

Love that current skit on SNL - Watz Up With Tat, Watz Up With Tat?  Ernest Bourgnine was a guest member of the skit recently and just sat there the entire time with this shit-eating grin on his face and never said a word. He looked so peaceful.

But what is up with that?  I'm talking about the latest inductees to the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame.   While the Hall is certainly an honorable foundation (or whateve it is), Alice Cooper was just now inducted.  WTF???  This guy invented theatrical rock, has been emulated by many artists already voted in, sold platinum records and was the leading money-maker in concerts for several years in the 70's.  Who the fuck are these industry schmucks who nominate and elect???   They don't all work for Rolling Stone I hope.  While I subscirbe to that rag, I've decided if it wasn't for Matt Taibi articles I would have dropped it years ago.  But that's another rant.

Also missing from the R-N-R Hall Of Fame (to name a few):  The Guess Who, Grand Funk Railroad, Steve Miller Band, Joe Walsh (& The James Gang) and Stevie Ray Vaughn!  Shit!!  And, to me, the biggest slap in the face is the fact that Ian Hunter hasn't even been nominated.  He wrote and sang Cleveland Rocks for christ's sake, and has been writing, singing and playing for 5 decades (he just turned 70) and hasn't even been nominated!!  Who are these morons???  Even the wacked out murderer Phil Spector is in.  What's a guy gotta do?? 

Kudos to the Repubes for putting their aggregate foot down on earmarks and the current 1 trillion+ budget.  And then they jumped in with the Dems and passed DADT, even without the vote of John "Silver-Spoon" McCain, the biggest issue flopper of our time.  Of course, they then turned around and in the anti-spirit of the season, killed the Dream Act (along with some soulless Democrats).  Jesus, how cold-hearted are these people.   Kids that grew up in this country that just want a chance to go to college and join the fucking Army are told they're not worth it.  Give them a chance and they'll pay taxes some day!!!  SIGHHHHHHHH.....


  1. I'm kind of surprised you care at all about the R&RHOF. I always thought it was a bit of a joke; competing with the Grammys for most hopelessly out-of-touch music institution. I guess they probably have some cool memorabilia there?

    I think the Sex Pistols had it right when they thumbed their noses at the entire silly business:

  2. Good point about the whole get together and worship each other award programs. I couldn't agree more. At least the R&R Hall Of Fame is a place, and I know there is one cool thing there -the beat up old piece of shit guitar that Mark Farner of Grand Funk Railroad played thru all their early recordings that had a sound no one has been able to replicate. Not even Mark Farner! I'll check out the Sex Pistols' letter.
