Sunday, December 12, 2010

Cause Of Death To Be Determined

Really?  Mark Madoff hangs himself and the article ends with that statement.  So, did he know about Daddy's doings?  Here's the bottom line:  how could any thinking person with a buck to invest not suspect something was up with a guy who consistently, year after frickin year, returned 10-12% return despite what the market was doing?  Up, down, sideways, it didn't matter.  Duhhh.  So they're (yes, the correct use of the word this time) all guilty of the guilty pleasure of taking money being manufactured in a backroom that to question the source was to admit the guilt.   But don't hang yourself Mark.  Be a fucking man and own up.  You had young children to care for.   And the rest of you Madoff money grubbers, just agree to give back the profit as it's actually someone else's money and if you're left broke, oh well.  At least you'll have lots of company in this economy!

Did someone lead the Tea Party sheep to the summer range? Where the hell are they?  The Repubs and Obama are fixing to add hundreds of billions to the debt with this larded up tax bill and not a fucking baaaahhh from these people?  Once again, hypocrisy reins and nothing in the press (that I've heard or read) about that.  C'mon Rand, WTF????

1 comment:

  1. The Tea Party's brand of fiscal responsibility:
